Parents must urge their wards to be regular in attendance. Parents are requested not to take their children away from school before the vacation begins or bring them back after the scheduled date of re- opening.
Pupils must be punctual for class. Students arriving after the first bell are likely to be sent home. To be admitted to the class rooms, absentness and late-comers must show the class teacher their Regularity Records duly countersigned by the Headmaster/Headmistress/ Administrator.
Reasons for absence from school without prior permission must be briefly noted in the Regularity Record. Birthdays, excursions, marriage, urgent business are not to be considered as sufficient reasons.
Absence from school by way of prefixing or suffixing to any holiday given in the school calendar, is punishable by way of suspension from classes
If a pupil is absent for a period of three days or more at a stretch due to illness, a medical certificate must be submitted to the Headmaster/ Headmistress on the pupil’s return.
Many parents/ guardians request for early departure of their wards after the Weekly Tests on ground of ill-health. If a child is unwell, parents are requested not to send the child only to appear for the Weekly Test as early departure, immediately after the Test, will not be allowed.
Except on emergencies, no one will be allowed to leave school before dismissal time. |
Parents/Guardians are invited to communicate with the Headmaster/Headmistress personally or by letter on any matter concerning the welfare of their wards. Interviews should be arranged by letter or over the telephone as it is impossible for the Headmaster/Headmistress to interview parents who call without an appointment.
Parents/Guardians are requested to send their wards fully equipped with all books and stationary required for their respective classes.
All parents are expected to co-operated in the work of the school by enforcing regularity and discipline and by taking an interest in their child’s progress and conduct. Parents are requested to regularly check the Student’s Diary and note the remarks, if any, by the teachers. Half yearly reports should be signed by the parents and returned to the class teacher on the first working day after distribution of report cards.
Parents and Guardians are requested to remember that their wards need Love, Care & Encouragement at home to do well at the Academy. |